Monday, February 23, 2009

Thoughts Of You

"THOUGHTS OF YOU" Someone as beautiful as you are, is rare and so hard to find, I dream about you often and wish that you could become mine. When I glance at you, I see something very special and pure, my heart yearns for your touch, your embrace, your love, would be the ultimate cure. They say eye's are the window to a persons heart and their soul, I wish I knew how to express myself to you, without being so bold. Your eye's sparkle, as bright as the sun in the beautiful sky, I love the way that you walk, so confident, so gentle, oh my, my , my. The sound of your voice, really touched my needful heart, the first time I laid eye's on you girl, I knew you was the one from the very start. Your beauty could win any pageant and good looks contest, you are more prettier than anything and yes your smile is the best. When I close my eye's, I visualize us on a white sandy beach, enjoying one another's company, while feeding you a peach. Walking along the shore, just holding your soft hand, talking about our future, I wish this was the plan. You have captured my heart, in such a unique and special way, yes you have touched me greatly, to this very day. If thinking of you deeply is wrong and such a bad crime, than I plead guilty to love, now sentence me to some of your time. I hope and pray, that I will get the chance to see you again, maybe then I will find the courage and ask you to become My Best Friend. Sam D. Latzzis III

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