Monday, February 23, 2009

Distant Time

"DISTANT TIME" As the evolution of time, greatly increase's right before my very eye's, I sit back and manifest my thoughts of my past, as painful memorie's turn into desperates cries. I try and evaluate the meaning of now becoming a strong willed man, to no avail, my hopes and dreams evaporate, without taking a stand. Keeping focused becomes an evasion to my timeless brain, on the eve of lost memorie's, my problem races like a out of control train. My mind escort my heart, into a state of euphoria and grief, only if I could find the solution of freedom, and seek a form of relief. Examination of my life, brings about years and years of lost time, my mind convicts my heart, now my body is sentenced for the crime. It's like being trapped in a steel box of hopelessness, in a obliterate way, with time rolling on without me, destruction constantly fills my day. Obstacles are now a part, of who I have truly become, time has grown into my worst enemie, for I feel my life is done. I wish I could go back and change just one hour deep in my mind, and the picture I just painted for you, will not be that of DISTANT TIME... Sam D. Latzzis III

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