Monday, February 23, 2009

My Skin Isnt No Sin

"MY SKIN ISNT NO SIN" It was said that my skin was a sin to the human race, that I was poison to all people, because the color of my face. I have been treated differently, for countless number of years, and when I have been demoralized as a person, there's so many cheers. When ever I try to succeed, and better my way of life, there's alway's something or somebody causing me more strife. Then you have these individuals, that say's I can only make it by selling crack, but I found out those who are stressing these words, are liars, and is only trying to hold me back. Every time I go places to relax and enjoy my quality free time, i'm stared at disrespectfully and rude, like I have committed a henious crime. Sometimes when I go on a job interview, i'm judged for my color and not my brain, i'm not viewed or respected for my intelligence nor demeanor, and they wonder why I some time complain. How can any one say this world will be better off, if I was in a cage or in jail, maybe if they was inclosed, and confined, they would understand my painful hell. My skin was never no sin, it was more than a blessing to this earth, it created so many beautiful and wonderful things, even my dreams gave birth. You cant destroy me any longer, using my skin color as a bad negative tool, I know that I am somebody today, and not that person you took for a fool. I am a very strong human being, thats smart and I have a very beautiful skin color, you cannot tell me anything different, I know who I am, Thanks to my Mother! See i'm free on the inside, and I know that I can excell and win, no matter how much you hate and despise me, I will stand strong to the end. I know that I have a strike against me, because the color of my skin, I will use my purity I was instilled with as a child, to welcome all people as a friend. Mother alway's told me, to fight hate with kindness and love, this will ensure me a place with My Heavenly Father - up above. I will continue to go forward, and set good examples and positive trends, I love the person that I am, and today I know "MY SKIN ISNT NO SIN"... Sam D. LATZZIS III

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