Monday, February 23, 2009

Closed Eyes

"CLOSED EYE'S" I wish I was'nt blind to the confluent of your precious eye's, maybe then our hearts will join together with that effective beautiful tie. Trying to prevail over hurdles, thats indirectly causing me to be blind, weakens my desire to confess my true love for you, thats stuck in the depths of my mind. My intentions was pure as the sun, it was the best feeling I ever felt, but my closed eye's confiscated the moment of joy, it choked my happiness like a belt. Wondering how to confirm in my heart, what I really feel for you, brings me to uncertainity of your sincerity, im lost without a clue. My heart has become incomplete, every time I begin to think and reminisce, how we had something very special together, now your warmness is truly missed. Your love was undisputable, it never caused any type of conflict, my biggest down fall came remorsefully, when I let go and ignored my number one pick. Intoxicating is just one word, I can use to describe your true love, it's a wonderful feeling I lost and miss so much, now I need help from up above. Closed eye's has caused me grief, and it's now my painful down fall, I have to become effective through this blindness and stand ten feet tall. Sam D. Latzzis III

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