Monday, February 23, 2009

A Father's Touch

"A FATHER'S LOVE" When Moma had me, you was as happy as can be, to have your first son, you held me close to your chest, telling me I am the best, that we'll have years of fun. Changing my pamper, did'nt put a damper, on your thoughts of doing this all the time, instead you accepted the smell, without raising any hell, Daddy i'm glad that your mine. While taking me on trips, your heart would flip, from thoughts of losing me, instead you kept me in your arm's, with no harm, being the Best Dad that you can be. Letting me ride next to you, was so fun and true, especially when you looked at me and smile, I knew I had a friend, to the very end, Dad thank you for driving me around all of them miles. Chasing me through the house, like a cat after a mouse, had my heart pumping with joy, I could hardly laugh, because I was out of gas, i'm so grateful to be your little boy. As I started to grow, you never let go, you hung in there with Fatherly pride, you taught me well, and never failed, you stayed strong and refused to run and hide. When I begin to rebell, you put your foot down and held, the responsibilities of a true Dad, your love for me, was stronger than a oak tree, Daddy having you in my life makes me so so glad. As I grew into a man, you tried to get me to understand, what life was really about, but I took my own rout, and found out, what it meant to be a man without any clout. Daddy your advice, really saved my life, even when you thought I did'nt hear, it took alot of bumps, to get over them humps, and yes I still hear you in my ear. You are still my best friend, to the very end, and Thanks for not allowing me to feel shame, that goes to show, how you told me so, Daddy Thanks for giving me your name... Sam D. Latzzis III

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