Monday, February 23, 2009

A Mother's Touch

"A MOTHER'S TOUCH" When I was in your womb, I got immune, to the safety that you gave me, when I came out, I had no doubt, that you were setting me free. No longer inside of you, I had no clue, of the safety we onced shared, as I started to cry, you would wipe my eye, Moma why am I so scared. Being held of your arm's, protecting me from all harm, it felt really really good, when you use to lay me in my bed, I would scream and get mad, but MOM you understood. Sitting in my high chair, I would alway's stare, right into your pretty face, while you was feeding me my food, you was never rude, I could alway's count on your embrace. While washing me up. I often threw up, but you never gotten frustrated or mad, instead you sand a song, as I smiles along, and my heart would rejoice and be glad. The first time I took a step, you held your breath, hoping that I would not fall, that goes to show, how you loved me so, MOMA I LOVE to hear your voice call. While pottie training me, it was hectic as can be, this I know is so true, but you hung in there, without a stressful stare, and I just like to say MOMA THANK YOU. My first day of school, I was scared and not cool, but you gave me the courage to persevere, as you leaned down to me, and said baby be strong for MOMMIE, then you whispered "I LOVE YOU" in my ear. You alway's know, how to strength me as I grow, with your words and kind sayings, you instilled in me, how to be, a respectful little boy while playing. When I turned sixteen, I knew what it mean, to now become a young man, you taught me well, without raising hell, MOMA because of you I understand. I'm now a full grown man, with morals and a plan, in this game they call life, i'm striving to be better, while climbing up the ladder, over coming all of the strife. MOMA I am a success, because I learned from the very best, thats who you truly are, as I look up to the sky, I said LORD you are mighter than I, THANK YOU for "MY BEAUTIFUL GLOWING STAR"... Sam D. Latzzis III

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