Monday, February 23, 2009

Answer My Question/God's Answer

"ANSWER MY QUESTION/GOD'S ANSWER" My mind is so distorted and extremely confused to the point of death, every night when I get ready for bed, I often wonder will this be my last breath? Years and years of torment, sufferings, anguish, and severe pain, leaves me hopeless, no direction, trapped in this lonely world with a thoughtless brain. See I thought my way of living, was the right way to do everything, hustling, stealing, robbing, carrying gun,s, chasing that ultimate bling bling. Not realizing what I was doing, nor the people I was hurting while doing these crimes, but once I got locked up, every memory came back, when the judge sentenced me to penitentiary time! My pillow became my best friend, and caught all my running tears, it listen to what I had to say every night, and it comfort me in my fear's. Thinking of this time, that I now have to serve, the system was so unfair, this is something I dont deserve. I have lost everything, that I love so dear, now all I can think about is this burden, I must carry year after year. What must I do in this situation, how am I going to deal with the hurt, no Lord that isnt you knocking at my door, i'm not ready to convert. Just leave me alone, because if you were who you say you are, this pain would'nt be, the god to my understanding, would have rescued me? Maybe you're not real, or yes a fraud like all the rest, who is this Jesus guy, that I heard you lifted from his rest? Since you say you give strength, courage and that you are living as well as real, then GOD make me a believer, show me a miracle and tell me the deal? "GOD'S ANSWER" All of a sudden a light appeared, I felt warm and I must say I felt loved, I know this was a feeling, from someone up above. Then I heard a voice, and it spoke directly to me, it said my child, I alway's loved you, you are special as can be. When I came to you, over and over, time and time again, you turned your back on me, and chose evil as your best friend. But I did'nt give up on you child, I waited you out, once i'm finished speaking to you, then you will know what the penitentiary time is really about. Child I had to put you through these situation's, hurt's, and pain's, so you will become an affective and true witness in my name. It's not about you son, and not even your story, you were chosen by me in your Mother's womb for my own glory. See I told satan to test you, temp you, as best as he can, he thought he had you, but child I designed the ultimate plan! You asked was that me knocking at your door, oh yes, yes, yes, now i'm here to pick you up off the floor. You said that you was'nt ready to let go and convert, well it's not your choice any more, so just hold on and let me work. About leaving you alone, and just letting you be, no my child, because you are now chosen by me. You mentioned something about the god or your understanding would have rescued you, well my precious child, he's in hell burning, turning, black and blue. You said maybe i'm not real, or a fraud like all the rest, my child, my child, I designed them people, to put your faith to the test. I gave you strength, courage and I have alway's been real, it was you who doubted me, and did'nt want my meal. Make you a believer and show you a miracle you say, o.k. my son, right now get on your knee's and begin to pray. The door is open right now, for you to walk through and believe, i'm giving you the power and will to achieve. Now that you have been saved, it's time for me to go, child feed my sheep in every way and let my love show. Next time you start to feel sad, down and out, open you Holy Bible, and find out who Jesus really is and what He's all about!!!!! "GOD IS TRULY LOVE" Sam D. Latzzis III

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