Monday, February 23, 2009

Justice Is Unjust

"JUSTICE IS UNJUST" Justice is unjust - when ever you're alone, being video taped, within the confounds of your home. Justice is unjust - when you're treated differently because of your color or race, looked upon so cruely, as people stare you right in your face. Justice is unjust - when you're taken out of your home, by authorities with illegal power, now your all alone. Justice is unjust - when your down graded because of your intellect, being more clever than your emplorer, now he wants to change the subject. Justice is unjust - because you're not given the ability to win, your being hated, despised, unfairly treated, due to evil trends. Justice is unjust - because of the power's that you hold, ridiculed, looked over, this world is so very cold. Justice is unjust - when you walk before a judge, he looks down at you, with his racial grudge. Justice is unjust - when you have the quality of a good spiritual heart, being looked upon as a trouble maker, and not even given a start. Justice is unjust - when your loved, but deeply hated, you try to rise above the evil, but constantly eradicated. Justice is unjust - due to all the greed thats in this world, it protects the rich, and rape our young girls. Justice is unjust - by those who makes all the laws, stealing from the poor, with their big evil claws. Justice is unjust - and all this will come to an end, because GOD is sending His Son JESUS CHRIST, our true life friend!!!!!! "JUSTICE WILL BECOME RIGHTEOUS" Sam D. Latzzis III

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