Monday, February 23, 2009

It's Not A Mystery Any More

"IT'S NOT A MYSTERY ANY MORE" I must tell my story, because it's no longer a dark mystery, it started so long ago, and today i'm proud for its my black history. See I was caged, beaten, mentally abused, and taught not to read or write, but through all that inhumane living and pain, I endured, today I am so dam bright. I had to live as an animal, eat scraps from off my master's floor, he told me I was poison to the human race, and not to come through his front door. He made me live away from the house, down yonder, in a cold windowless shack, and when I did'nt dance to his tune's properly, he had the nerves to whip me across my back. There was'nt anything I could do but smile, and accept all the suffering pain, but see what massah did'nt realize was, that I was exercising the muscles in my brain. One day I knew that I was going to pay him back, but not in the hateful way he inflicted, see I had a much bigger and promising plan, 430 something years ago today, is what I predicted. So I begin to reproduce, and plant my seeds across the earth, GOD said "my child just hold on to your dreams and soon your truth will give birth. Your children will be taken in slavery, and they will be scattered throughout the land, I know all the torment, suffering, and pain your going to go through, but this is the blue print to my plan. Child you will continue to get beaten, enslaved, and hauled from ship to ship, but swallow your manly pride, because this will become a priceless trip! Tell all my enslaved children to communicate in different types of hymns and songs, this will turn out to be yall plan, and following it you cant go wrong. So I done what My Father told me to do, I just stayed strong and held my pride, I accepted what was happening to me, because one day i'm no loger going to run and hide! My plan was bigger than the massah, it had nothing to do with self, I obeyed My Father in HEAVEN, and sacrificed my own health. I'm going to live from generation to generation and produce great and wonderful things, I have such a beautiful dream, you heard my speech from Dr. Martin Luther King! I come in all shapes and sizes, and my story is no longer in the dark, dont be surprised from all the notoriety I got, when I came in the form of Ms. Rosa Parks! Dont turn your head now, and try to destroy me with your hateful text, because i'm going to stand even more stronger, i'm coming as Minister Malcolm X! Every time you kill me, i'm going to spring up from the root, I presented myself to you a long time ago, as a flower name Sojourneth Truth! You thought I was listening, when you said I could'nt stand as a strong man, well surprise, now i'm coming out of my bag, as the very great Ms. Harriett Tubman! Thinking that you had won, by torturing, belittling, and starving me, I will just grow up even more stronger and powerful, look at all the Marcus Garvey's! See you thought you was getting over by making me a dumb slave, but you did me a big favor, because I turned out to be the most brave! I'm no longer that fool you whipped. I turned out to be so very intelligent today, lets set the record straight, my name isnt toby, it's Kuntha Kentay! There's no need to say anything, i'm not going to fuss or debate, thank you for all the wonderful memorie's, i'm stronger now and I donot hate! I really showed you massah, this was my ultimate magical plan, just look at all the different cultures together, we are all united as one taking a firm brotherly stand!!! Sam D. Latzzis III

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