Monday, February 23, 2009

There's Hope

"THERE'S HOPE" People may feel because you're HIV/AIDS positive, that your life is over and tragic, dont let someone ignorance destroy you, there's hope Sister's and Brother's, just ask Magic. You have so many more reason's to fight and live now, your someone else's strength and motivation, keep your head up, take a stand, speak about your experience's and pain, you're somebody, most importantly a INSPIRATION! What about society and our younger generation, who's ignorant to this deadly disease, this is your chance to teach and educate them all, so their heart can be at ease. You just cant give up now, it's so much more of life to live, each and every day, with your strength, courage, and determination, you're giving hope to (millions) to fight and stay. There's not enough people in this world, that's brave enough to talk about their infection, but GOD chose you, because your strong, and caring, He knew you would speak from the heart about HIV/AIDS and the importance of using protection. See so many human beings are scared, and feel that it's over, that they are now a dying statistic, that's where your bravery and fight comes in more, to help give them hope and to become peaceful and realistic. This illness does'nt care about race, color, power, authority, fame, wealth, poverty, strength, or any other material thing, that's why you must take a bold stand now, teach, reach, educate, and share hope, you are our HERO'S, with the life saving message that you bring. Sister's and Brother's, you're somebody in this world, thats why GOD hand picked you, because He knew you was strong enough to cope, dont waste your valuable and important time in a dark shell, make a stand, be courageous and grateful, and remember "THERE'S HOPE"...... Sam D. Latzzis III

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