Monday, February 23, 2009

Breast Cancer

"BREAST CANCER" I know you are mentally distraut, as you find out you have cancer in your breast, but GOD is your healer, this whole ordeal is just a test. Dont beat yourself up, and feel there's no kind of real hope, GOD will show you His True Love, and will teach you how to cope. You may feel like your life is over, and there's no need to continue to live, but you have so much life left, and even much more to give. GOD chose you, for He knew that you was strong enough to carry this load, keeping focused, staying positive, being a voice, so other ladies stories can be told! This disease dont care about color, your money, nor even your clout, we as women's, must fight together, stand strong together, and work this thing out. We cannot fall down to this disease, and let it get the best of us, loving who we are, will bring fourth alot of pure hope and trust. Breast cancer is a disease, that will never ever end, and if we stand together as "DEVOTED SISTER'S" than this is something we can win........ HAZEL LATZZIS (MY MOM) IS A 9-YR. SURVIVOR..... Sam D. Latzzis III

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