Monday, February 23, 2009

A Lost Soul Found

"A LOST SOUL FOUND" Living recklessly was the only way I knew how to live each day, I would do any and everything, to chase the presence of GOD away. Stealing, robbing, and doing all sorts of evil things against GOD'S perfect will, had me living a foul destructive life, coating my pain with drugs, alcohol, and unprescribed pills. I searched every out let of my mind, so that I could destroy my inner man, crushing GOD'S LOVE within me, was my every day thoughtless plan. Not caring who I hurt or destroyed in the process, nor even my own self, was what the devil was telling me to do daily, not realizing my failing health. What I did'nt realize was - I was prepairing my bed in hell, not believing in anything positive, until this strange man rang my bell. When I opened the door, he said hi, can I spend a moment with you, I said i'm not buying insurance, and he softly said son maybe you need to! Who are you and what do you want at this time of night, he replied, you have been chosen by MY FATHER, to be glorified in HIS light. So we sat on the couch and He than said have you ever read My Book, I told him I did'nt know you had one, plus I dont have time, because i'm a professional crook. He said child, why do you rob and steal - take pills, drink alcohol, and use drugs, I said dude you dont know nothing about me, i'm a cold blooded ruthless thug. I said I dont care what you think of me man, i'm not scared to take a fall, he than said, maybe you need to hear the story, of "My Son Paul". He said he wrote many chapter's in MY BOOK on how to stop doing the things that you do, I was the one leading him to the light, and he did'nt even have a clue. He said Son I know the true essence of your heart, that's why I came to speak with you, you no longer have to live in torment, nor be sad, lonely, or blue. I come to give you life and plant my teachings deep in your heart, just pick up "MY BOOK" and begin to read it, and I promise your life would stop falling apart! Just open it up, and start at the very beginning, and once you get to the end, your life will have meaning and no ending! It will teach you about life, and nurse your heart back to health, you will grow so strong and positive, and be enriched with wisdom, knowledge and wealth. Son I must go now, but dont worry I will be there for you, for the rest of your life, and I will LOVE you more than your earthly Mother, Father, and Wife! When ever you want to talk to me, just get on your knee's and pray, and there I will be be with you (NEVER LEAVING) son i'm going to stay!!! So I started to read "HIS BOOK" that He left on the table for me, and to my surprise, I started to change (internally) and grow stronger and free. I did'nt know who this great man was, all I knew He was like no other, until I read this story in MATTHEW'S, and it said "I AM JESUS" your TRUE LIFE BROTHER.. I was so excited about this, I begin telling my story all over town, I reached prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers, crooks, killers, and even the clowns. If you dont believe my story, dont get upset, walk away mad nor even frown, just read the story's in the "HOLY BIBLE" and I promise that you too will be a "A LOST SOUL FOUND".. Sam D. Latzzis III

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