Monday, February 23, 2009

Distant Time

"DISTANT TIME" As the evolution of time, greatly increase's right before my very eye's, I sit back and manifest my thoughts of my past, as painful memorie's turn into desperates cries. I try and evaluate the meaning of now becoming a strong willed man, to no avail, my hopes and dreams evaporate, without taking a stand. Keeping focused becomes an evasion to my timeless brain, on the eve of lost memorie's, my problem races like a out of control train. My mind escort my heart, into a state of euphoria and grief, only if I could find the solution of freedom, and seek a form of relief. Examination of my life, brings about years and years of lost time, my mind convicts my heart, now my body is sentenced for the crime. It's like being trapped in a steel box of hopelessness, in a obliterate way, with time rolling on without me, destruction constantly fills my day. Obstacles are now a part, of who I have truly become, time has grown into my worst enemie, for I feel my life is done. I wish I could go back and change just one hour deep in my mind, and the picture I just painted for you, will not be that of DISTANT TIME... Sam D. Latzzis III

Justice Is Unjust

"JUSTICE IS UNJUST" Justice is unjust - when ever you're alone, being video taped, within the confounds of your home. Justice is unjust - when you're treated differently because of your color or race, looked upon so cruely, as people stare you right in your face. Justice is unjust - when you're taken out of your home, by authorities with illegal power, now your all alone. Justice is unjust - when your down graded because of your intellect, being more clever than your emplorer, now he wants to change the subject. Justice is unjust - because you're not given the ability to win, your being hated, despised, unfairly treated, due to evil trends. Justice is unjust - because of the power's that you hold, ridiculed, looked over, this world is so very cold. Justice is unjust - when you walk before a judge, he looks down at you, with his racial grudge. Justice is unjust - when you have the quality of a good spiritual heart, being looked upon as a trouble maker, and not even given a start. Justice is unjust - when your loved, but deeply hated, you try to rise above the evil, but constantly eradicated. Justice is unjust - due to all the greed thats in this world, it protects the rich, and rape our young girls. Justice is unjust - by those who makes all the laws, stealing from the poor, with their big evil claws. Justice is unjust - and all this will come to an end, because GOD is sending His Son JESUS CHRIST, our true life friend!!!!!! "JUSTICE WILL BECOME RIGHTEOUS" Sam D. Latzzis III

Answer My Question/God's Answer

"ANSWER MY QUESTION/GOD'S ANSWER" My mind is so distorted and extremely confused to the point of death, every night when I get ready for bed, I often wonder will this be my last breath? Years and years of torment, sufferings, anguish, and severe pain, leaves me hopeless, no direction, trapped in this lonely world with a thoughtless brain. See I thought my way of living, was the right way to do everything, hustling, stealing, robbing, carrying gun,s, chasing that ultimate bling bling. Not realizing what I was doing, nor the people I was hurting while doing these crimes, but once I got locked up, every memory came back, when the judge sentenced me to penitentiary time! My pillow became my best friend, and caught all my running tears, it listen to what I had to say every night, and it comfort me in my fear's. Thinking of this time, that I now have to serve, the system was so unfair, this is something I dont deserve. I have lost everything, that I love so dear, now all I can think about is this burden, I must carry year after year. What must I do in this situation, how am I going to deal with the hurt, no Lord that isnt you knocking at my door, i'm not ready to convert. Just leave me alone, because if you were who you say you are, this pain would'nt be, the god to my understanding, would have rescued me? Maybe you're not real, or yes a fraud like all the rest, who is this Jesus guy, that I heard you lifted from his rest? Since you say you give strength, courage and that you are living as well as real, then GOD make me a believer, show me a miracle and tell me the deal? "GOD'S ANSWER" All of a sudden a light appeared, I felt warm and I must say I felt loved, I know this was a feeling, from someone up above. Then I heard a voice, and it spoke directly to me, it said my child, I alway's loved you, you are special as can be. When I came to you, over and over, time and time again, you turned your back on me, and chose evil as your best friend. But I did'nt give up on you child, I waited you out, once i'm finished speaking to you, then you will know what the penitentiary time is really about. Child I had to put you through these situation's, hurt's, and pain's, so you will become an affective and true witness in my name. It's not about you son, and not even your story, you were chosen by me in your Mother's womb for my own glory. See I told satan to test you, temp you, as best as he can, he thought he had you, but child I designed the ultimate plan! You asked was that me knocking at your door, oh yes, yes, yes, now i'm here to pick you up off the floor. You said that you was'nt ready to let go and convert, well it's not your choice any more, so just hold on and let me work. About leaving you alone, and just letting you be, no my child, because you are now chosen by me. You mentioned something about the god or your understanding would have rescued you, well my precious child, he's in hell burning, turning, black and blue. You said maybe i'm not real, or a fraud like all the rest, my child, my child, I designed them people, to put your faith to the test. I gave you strength, courage and I have alway's been real, it was you who doubted me, and did'nt want my meal. Make you a believer and show you a miracle you say, o.k. my son, right now get on your knee's and begin to pray. The door is open right now, for you to walk through and believe, i'm giving you the power and will to achieve. Now that you have been saved, it's time for me to go, child feed my sheep in every way and let my love show. Next time you start to feel sad, down and out, open you Holy Bible, and find out who Jesus really is and what He's all about!!!!! "GOD IS TRULY LOVE" Sam D. Latzzis III

My Skin Isnt No Sin

"MY SKIN ISNT NO SIN" It was said that my skin was a sin to the human race, that I was poison to all people, because the color of my face. I have been treated differently, for countless number of years, and when I have been demoralized as a person, there's so many cheers. When ever I try to succeed, and better my way of life, there's alway's something or somebody causing me more strife. Then you have these individuals, that say's I can only make it by selling crack, but I found out those who are stressing these words, are liars, and is only trying to hold me back. Every time I go places to relax and enjoy my quality free time, i'm stared at disrespectfully and rude, like I have committed a henious crime. Sometimes when I go on a job interview, i'm judged for my color and not my brain, i'm not viewed or respected for my intelligence nor demeanor, and they wonder why I some time complain. How can any one say this world will be better off, if I was in a cage or in jail, maybe if they was inclosed, and confined, they would understand my painful hell. My skin was never no sin, it was more than a blessing to this earth, it created so many beautiful and wonderful things, even my dreams gave birth. You cant destroy me any longer, using my skin color as a bad negative tool, I know that I am somebody today, and not that person you took for a fool. I am a very strong human being, thats smart and I have a very beautiful skin color, you cannot tell me anything different, I know who I am, Thanks to my Mother! See i'm free on the inside, and I know that I can excell and win, no matter how much you hate and despise me, I will stand strong to the end. I know that I have a strike against me, because the color of my skin, I will use my purity I was instilled with as a child, to welcome all people as a friend. Mother alway's told me, to fight hate with kindness and love, this will ensure me a place with My Heavenly Father - up above. I will continue to go forward, and set good examples and positive trends, I love the person that I am, and today I know "MY SKIN ISNT NO SIN"... Sam D. LATZZIS III

A Lost Soul Found

"A LOST SOUL FOUND" Living recklessly was the only way I knew how to live each day, I would do any and everything, to chase the presence of GOD away. Stealing, robbing, and doing all sorts of evil things against GOD'S perfect will, had me living a foul destructive life, coating my pain with drugs, alcohol, and unprescribed pills. I searched every out let of my mind, so that I could destroy my inner man, crushing GOD'S LOVE within me, was my every day thoughtless plan. Not caring who I hurt or destroyed in the process, nor even my own self, was what the devil was telling me to do daily, not realizing my failing health. What I did'nt realize was - I was prepairing my bed in hell, not believing in anything positive, until this strange man rang my bell. When I opened the door, he said hi, can I spend a moment with you, I said i'm not buying insurance, and he softly said son maybe you need to! Who are you and what do you want at this time of night, he replied, you have been chosen by MY FATHER, to be glorified in HIS light. So we sat on the couch and He than said have you ever read My Book, I told him I did'nt know you had one, plus I dont have time, because i'm a professional crook. He said child, why do you rob and steal - take pills, drink alcohol, and use drugs, I said dude you dont know nothing about me, i'm a cold blooded ruthless thug. I said I dont care what you think of me man, i'm not scared to take a fall, he than said, maybe you need to hear the story, of "My Son Paul". He said he wrote many chapter's in MY BOOK on how to stop doing the things that you do, I was the one leading him to the light, and he did'nt even have a clue. He said Son I know the true essence of your heart, that's why I came to speak with you, you no longer have to live in torment, nor be sad, lonely, or blue. I come to give you life and plant my teachings deep in your heart, just pick up "MY BOOK" and begin to read it, and I promise your life would stop falling apart! Just open it up, and start at the very beginning, and once you get to the end, your life will have meaning and no ending! It will teach you about life, and nurse your heart back to health, you will grow so strong and positive, and be enriched with wisdom, knowledge and wealth. Son I must go now, but dont worry I will be there for you, for the rest of your life, and I will LOVE you more than your earthly Mother, Father, and Wife! When ever you want to talk to me, just get on your knee's and pray, and there I will be be with you (NEVER LEAVING) son i'm going to stay!!! So I started to read "HIS BOOK" that He left on the table for me, and to my surprise, I started to change (internally) and grow stronger and free. I did'nt know who this great man was, all I knew He was like no other, until I read this story in MATTHEW'S, and it said "I AM JESUS" your TRUE LIFE BROTHER.. I was so excited about this, I begin telling my story all over town, I reached prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers, crooks, killers, and even the clowns. If you dont believe my story, dont get upset, walk away mad nor even frown, just read the story's in the "HOLY BIBLE" and I promise that you too will be a "A LOST SOUL FOUND".. Sam D. Latzzis III

It's Not A Mystery Any More

"IT'S NOT A MYSTERY ANY MORE" I must tell my story, because it's no longer a dark mystery, it started so long ago, and today i'm proud for its my black history. See I was caged, beaten, mentally abused, and taught not to read or write, but through all that inhumane living and pain, I endured, today I am so dam bright. I had to live as an animal, eat scraps from off my master's floor, he told me I was poison to the human race, and not to come through his front door. He made me live away from the house, down yonder, in a cold windowless shack, and when I did'nt dance to his tune's properly, he had the nerves to whip me across my back. There was'nt anything I could do but smile, and accept all the suffering pain, but see what massah did'nt realize was, that I was exercising the muscles in my brain. One day I knew that I was going to pay him back, but not in the hateful way he inflicted, see I had a much bigger and promising plan, 430 something years ago today, is what I predicted. So I begin to reproduce, and plant my seeds across the earth, GOD said "my child just hold on to your dreams and soon your truth will give birth. Your children will be taken in slavery, and they will be scattered throughout the land, I know all the torment, suffering, and pain your going to go through, but this is the blue print to my plan. Child you will continue to get beaten, enslaved, and hauled from ship to ship, but swallow your manly pride, because this will become a priceless trip! Tell all my enslaved children to communicate in different types of hymns and songs, this will turn out to be yall plan, and following it you cant go wrong. So I done what My Father told me to do, I just stayed strong and held my pride, I accepted what was happening to me, because one day i'm no loger going to run and hide! My plan was bigger than the massah, it had nothing to do with self, I obeyed My Father in HEAVEN, and sacrificed my own health. I'm going to live from generation to generation and produce great and wonderful things, I have such a beautiful dream, you heard my speech from Dr. Martin Luther King! I come in all shapes and sizes, and my story is no longer in the dark, dont be surprised from all the notoriety I got, when I came in the form of Ms. Rosa Parks! Dont turn your head now, and try to destroy me with your hateful text, because i'm going to stand even more stronger, i'm coming as Minister Malcolm X! Every time you kill me, i'm going to spring up from the root, I presented myself to you a long time ago, as a flower name Sojourneth Truth! You thought I was listening, when you said I could'nt stand as a strong man, well surprise, now i'm coming out of my bag, as the very great Ms. Harriett Tubman! Thinking that you had won, by torturing, belittling, and starving me, I will just grow up even more stronger and powerful, look at all the Marcus Garvey's! See you thought you was getting over by making me a dumb slave, but you did me a big favor, because I turned out to be the most brave! I'm no longer that fool you whipped. I turned out to be so very intelligent today, lets set the record straight, my name isnt toby, it's Kuntha Kentay! There's no need to say anything, i'm not going to fuss or debate, thank you for all the wonderful memorie's, i'm stronger now and I donot hate! I really showed you massah, this was my ultimate magical plan, just look at all the different cultures together, we are all united as one taking a firm brotherly stand!!! Sam D. Latzzis III

There's Hope

"THERE'S HOPE" People may feel because you're HIV/AIDS positive, that your life is over and tragic, dont let someone ignorance destroy you, there's hope Sister's and Brother's, just ask Magic. You have so many more reason's to fight and live now, your someone else's strength and motivation, keep your head up, take a stand, speak about your experience's and pain, you're somebody, most importantly a INSPIRATION! What about society and our younger generation, who's ignorant to this deadly disease, this is your chance to teach and educate them all, so their heart can be at ease. You just cant give up now, it's so much more of life to live, each and every day, with your strength, courage, and determination, you're giving hope to (millions) to fight and stay. There's not enough people in this world, that's brave enough to talk about their infection, but GOD chose you, because your strong, and caring, He knew you would speak from the heart about HIV/AIDS and the importance of using protection. See so many human beings are scared, and feel that it's over, that they are now a dying statistic, that's where your bravery and fight comes in more, to help give them hope and to become peaceful and realistic. This illness does'nt care about race, color, power, authority, fame, wealth, poverty, strength, or any other material thing, that's why you must take a bold stand now, teach, reach, educate, and share hope, you are our HERO'S, with the life saving message that you bring. Sister's and Brother's, you're somebody in this world, thats why GOD hand picked you, because He knew you was strong enough to cope, dont waste your valuable and important time in a dark shell, make a stand, be courageous and grateful, and remember "THERE'S HOPE"...... Sam D. Latzzis III